Bahamas Luxury Real Estate & Homes for Sale

Energy Efficiency– What Kind Do I Want In My Home?


Poodle House, Cat Island 

Energy-efficient homes award residents charming benefits. It is more convenient and socially commendable to have a home that offers modernized energy regulations in a modernized home. However, upgrading the efficiency in your home does not require expensive costs and long periods of renovations. In this article, we will differentiate the types of energy-efficient houses and how to look for those kinds of features when house hunting.


What is an energy-efficient home? 

Historical, modern or contemporary, any home can be considered energy-efficient. The definition includes cost-effectiveness and comfort, adds value to your home, and is environmentally friendly. A home’s construction, appliances, features, and surroundings impact efficiency, meaning sustainability needs to be considered when shopping for a house. Ventilation, air quality and a working thermostat add to your home’s resale value and living conditions. 


Types of efficient homes

Passive Energy efficient homes: Generally pollution-free, taking advantage of sunlight to reduce primary heating requirements. These types of a house only use healthy building materials that have no toxic chemical substances attached to them.


Energy Plus homes: generate more electricity than they consume. Advanced technology allows for the conversion of natural sunlight into electricity. Depending on the house design, this is financially beneficial for a homeowner. 


Energy self-sufficient homes: this is what the name says – self-sufficient, meaning this type of home creates and stores its energy supply. Another cool feature of this home is its collection of rainwater and the disposal of wastewater in an environmentally friendly way. 



Learn how to make your home energy efficient. If you are looking into purchasing property, find the type of home best suitable for you and your family, taking into consideration the maintenance and cost of it all. Your home’s energy performance will either benefit you in the long run or cause little problems that will turn into a massive issue. Consider your home’s size, lighting, the direction your windows face, and even the insulation of your house. Remember that energy-efficient houses aim to reduce harmful greenhouse gas levels and boost the quality of life – Naturally while lowering costs and reducing the spread of carbon emissions and footprint. 

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